Sunday, March 1, 2015

City consultant prepares cost estimates for Maskers building

A consulting firm hired by the city of Belfast to assist with redeveloping 45 Front St. has prepared cost estimates related to either demolishing or relocating the former Maskers Theater building.

The city is pursuing a plan to redevelop the property and as part of that effort it is looking at either finding an interested party to move the Maskers Theater building or demolishing the structure.

The cost estimates were prepared by Ransom Consulting, Inc., and apply to three scenarios: demolition of the entire building; relocation of the entire building; and relocation of the two-story portion and demolition of the one-story portion.

For option one, demolition of the entire Maskers Theater building, the cost is estimated at $55,000 to demolish the building, $32,500 for hazardous building material abatement and $4,500 to demolish a storage building on the property. In total, option one would cost about $92,000, according to Ransom Consulting.

"Following abatement of hazardous building materials, other than an estimated eight hours each from a licensed plumber and electrician for utility disconnections, no supplemental in-kind or matching labor would be necessary or deemed cost-effective as part of this option," Ransom Consulting wrote in a cost estimate memo.

Ransom Consulting also pointed out that should the city demolish the entire Maskers Theater building, interested organizations would have the chance to preserve certain items during and following the demolition. However, any building components would only be saved for reuse in publicly accessible applications and not for personal reuse.

The most expensive option -- $175,000 -- is the second, to move the entire Maskers Theater building; $32,500 for hazardous building material abatement and $4,500 to demolish the storage building. The total cost to relocate the entire building is estimated to be about $212,000.

According to the cost estimate, the price to relocate the entire building is based on moving it to City Point Rail Station, which is about 2.5 miles from its location at 45 Front St.

Ransom Consulting also points out the cost estimate assumes the building, once moved, will be placed on wooden cribbing and all restoration activities will be performed by others.

Additionally, the cost estimate for relocating the entire building does not account for some preparation and structural stabilization. Ransom Consulting estimated preparing and stabilizing the building for relocation would require eight hours each from a licensed plumber and electrician to disconnect utilities; 240 hours for laborers/carpenters for preparation of the one-story portion of the building; and 160 hours for preparation of the two-story portion of the building.

Preparing the one-story and two-story portions of the buildings would require dividing the one-story portion into less than 40-foot sections and separating the second story.

Ransom Consulting noted the preparation work could be done in the form of in-kind or matching funds using volunteer labor.

Finally, option three is estimated to cost $125,000 to move the two-story portion of the building and demolish the one-story portion, $32,500 for hazardous building material abatement and $4,500 to demolish the storage building. The total cost for option three is estimated to be about $162,000.

Ransom Consulting noted in a memo the cost estimates do not include city or other-provided labor or materials or future soil remediation.

Costs associated with option three are similar to option two in terms of moving the two-story portion of the building.

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